24 Ways to Celebrate Earth Month

Are you ready to show your love for the planet? We’ve compiled a list of our favorite activities and sorted them by our main initiatives—ending litter, reducing waste, promoting recycling, and beautifying communities. Choose one, opt to do several, or go big and check each one off your list. Together we can all make a difference!

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End Litter

  1. Sign up for a Great American Cleanup event. You might even find one for Earth Day weekend!

  2. Headed out for a walk or run? Bring a small bag with you and pick up litter when you see it.

  3. Sign our #reconsiderlitter pledge.

  4. Gather some friends and neighbors and clean up a heavily trafficked area in your neighborhood.

  5. Visit one of your favorite parks or trails, and carry out any litter that you see.

  6. Commit yourself to volunteering throughout the year with one of our local affiliates.

Reduce Waste

  1. Treat yourself and the planet with a reusable item. Maybe you’ve got your eye on a new water bottle or coffee mug, some new lunch gear, or even beeswax wrap for home storage?

  2. Make this be the year you start composting—you can do it in your yard or even from an apartment!

  3.  Dip your toes into secondhand shopping—you’d be surprised at what you can find for your wardrobe or decor.

  4. Host a weekend eco-swap with friends or neighbors to exchange items you no longer need.

  5. Donate anything leftover to the charity of your choice.

  6. Teach yourself a new skill, like sewing or using a new tool, so you can repair items that break instead of throwing them in the trash.

Promote Recycling

  1. If you haven’t already, learn how to recycle where you live, curbside or beyond.

  2. If you’re already a pro, share your knowledge with someone who lives in your area.

  3. Remember to always leave a little room in your backpack or trunk when you’re out camping or hiking—this way, if you don’t see a recycling bin on your journey, you can bring your beverage containers with you instead of sending them to a landfill.

  4. Learn where to dispose of hard-to-recycle items like batteries, electronics, and paint. You can check with your solid waste or public works department or your local affiliate to find permanent drop-off locations or special collection events. (Again, there could be one happening near you for Earth Day weekend!)

  5. Do an upcycling project, on your own or with friends and family. There are plenty of instructions to be found on the internet, and it’s the perfect time of year to make a tin can lantern or hanging wine bottle planter!

  6. Show your support for the process by investing in recycled paper or other goods.

Beautify Your Community

  1. Wild your lawn (and reduce your workload) by replacing any grassy areas you have with native plants. Bonus points if you choose flowers pollinators will love.

  2. Live in an apartment or condo? No problem! Do a little research and find out if there’s an nearby community garden you can join. You could also incorporate a few potted options on your porch, patio, or windowsill.

  3. Quench the thirst of your pollinator friends by installing a bird bath. There’s no need to get fancy—even a shallow dish placed on the ground will do.

  4. Take the next step and purchase or make a bird feeder or bee hotel.

  5. Support local farmers and florists by hosting a weekend feast full of fruits and vegetables from your market.

  6. Advocate for more pocket parks in your neighborhood, and see how else you can get involved with local greening initiatives.


From Trash to Treasure: The Artistic Alchemy of Cathy Ehrler and Kathy Rennell-Forbes


Q&A with Ryder Leary, Executive Director of Keep North Fulton Beautiful