10 Ways to Serve the Planet This Year: Activities for MLK Jr. Day and Beyond

We’ve all heard the term “a day on, not a day off”, but have you ever considered dedicating your whole year to improving the environment? Dr. King believed in the interconnectedness of all life on earth, and we echo this sentiment wholeheartedly. Everyone deserves a clean, green, and beautiful place to live—browse our list to discover how you can get involved.

Keep Macon Bibb Beautiful volunteers cleaning up their community

1. Join a cleanup

If you love where you live, there’s no better way to show you care than sprucing it up a bit. If you haven’t already, browse our list of affiliates to find volunteer opportunities near you. In addition to removing unsightly litter and debris, you’ll meet like-minded individuals in your community who care just as much about making a difference as you do.

2. Adopt a highway

If you really want to dive deep, or would like to get your business or organization involved, consider taking up a stretch of roadside in your neighborhood. Many of our affiliates offer this opportunity as part of their annual programming, so it’s easier than ever to get started. Just visit the link we posted above to see what’s available.

3. Make picking up litter a daily habit

Although joining a group can be a fun way to get involved, you can also incorporate environmentalism into your regular routine. Bring a bag with you the next time you take your dog for a walk, go for a run, or join friends for a hike. This way, you can collect any trash you see along the way. It’s a small step that makes a world of difference, and by doing so, you just might inspire others to do the same.

4. Get involved in a community garden

Neighborhood plots can do a world of good, from adding a splash of greenery to feeding families to supporting pollinators like bees and butterflies. Ask around or look online to see if there’s a patch available near you, and if you don’t have any luck, consider starting one yourself. We bet you’d find others who’d like to join you!

5. Help a neighbor

Is there someone on your block, or down the road if you’re further out in the country, that could use a hand taking care of their yard? Perhaps you could help them weed their garden, or clear the storm drain in front of their property. They might even appreciate you taking their bins to the curb. You never know until you ask!

6. Plant a tree

Dr. King himself once said that if he were certain the world would end tomorrow, he’d plant a tree that very day. If you’d like to make your own impact, we’re approaching the perfect time here in the south. Georgia Arbor Day occurs the third Friday of every February, and there are countless ways to get involved.

7. Wild your yard

You might have acres, a tiny plot, or even just a patio or windowsill, but we promise, size doesn’t matter in this regard! Start planning your garden for the spring now, whether it involves multiple shrubs or a few pots here and there. We’ve got tips that will help, and if you’re game, you can even hang a hummingbird feeder or build a bee hotel.

8. Recycle right

Whether you place items curbside or drop them off at a central location, it’s important to do it correctly. Following the rules of your town or city keeps workers safe and ensures the whole process goes smoothly. Check out our advice if you need a refresher, and share it with a friend or two.

9. Analyze your routine

Are there ways you can reduce your impact, or make your aspirations easier to follow? Sometimes all it takes is an easy swap to change a habit. If you always forget your grocery totes, or find yourself buying lattes on the fly, keep a reusable mug in your car along with some canvas bags. Save paper by signing up for electronic billing, or sit down and finally order those beeswax wraps. Browse our list of New Year’s resolutions for more easy ideas.

10. Spread the word

Together, we can all make a difference. Don’t forget to share this with your friends, family, and colleagues.


Q&A with Ryder Leary, Executive Director of Keep North Fulton Beautiful


24 Resolutions for a Green New Year